This dunya this, this dunya that.

This dunya this, this dunya that.

How many a times do you see people talking about this dunya, and how fed up they are with it! Of course, I wanna put this out there clearly, I am not here to belittle anybody’s hardship. Just to put things into perspective and kinda explain what I wanna say, there is a quote I wanna share from Pico Iyer who mentioned it at a TED conference this year.

He said, “To step away from the world isn’t to draw back; it is actually a way to tune in.”

So this relates a lot to us, as Muslims, that yes we do want to step away from the world, materialistically speaking. We don’t want to be attached to it and have other attachments other than Allah, or have anything which distracts us from His worship. So to step away from the world is fine, but it does not mean as mentioned above to draw back. Some of us unfortunately including myself, is that we sometime completely draw back and exclude ourselves from the world, from our communities, from the people that we love a lot, and also just from dealing properly with the people by not having proper manners and etiquettes. Sometimes even that is affected by it. We just don’t know how to interact, as though ironically our hardships have blinded us. Which without a doubt is not the purpose of any trial or tribulation, rather it is a mean by which you can now clearly see things better and respond well to everything around you.

“It is actually a way to tune in.” What does that mean? It means that it is actually a way to work with your means, work with what you have already, and see what you can do. Allah has given you this life and many blessings along with it, this dunya it’s there. It does come from Him, and yes we are living in it. There is good in it, everything that Allah gives to you regardless, there is good in it ultimately. So use this, and see it as good. Stop hating the dunya because you are going through something. Work your way around it rather. And simply just learn how to deal with the world. Your hardship should make it easier for you to see things much clearly. Learn how to deal with the society, learn how to deal with the community, learn how to deal with the people, and learn how to deal with your loved one. And never forget at the end, to take care of your self. Realization and inspiration comes from God, and into the self when you take care of it. So when you wanna step away from the world, don’t draw back. This is a way for you to tune in.

It’s normal to feel that way, and it’s very human, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we should act that way. Stay positive and make wonder happen around you.

May Allah make all of our hardships easy for us, and find us a way out. Ameen.